Meet Dr Lee Cummings

B.Sc.(Clin. Sc) M.H.Sc.(Osteo) Osteopathy has been a life-changing career for me. I had a sudden moment of inspiration when I was in the garden, at 32 years of age. My …

Treatment Options

Total Osteo Health Services provide a range of treatment options for you. Osteopathy is a form of hands on manual therapy, treating any muscle or joint in the body. Treatable ailments …

What makes osteopathy unique?

Osteopathy is a hands-on holistic form of treatment that looks at the relationship between the structure of the body and the way in which it works. The principles on which …

Do you have tension headaches?

One of the common causes of tension headaches is dysfunction in the cervical spine (stiff neck joints and tight muscles.)  Osteopathic techniques aim to improve the range of motion in the small …

Do Osteopaths Treat Headaches?

When taking a patient’s medical history I often ask if they experience headaches or migraines. This is usually the point where I get asked if osteopaths can help with headaches. It’s always …

Facilitating better health options for you

Osteopaths are manual therapists who have spent 4 or 5 years at University learning about anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, clinical diagnosis and management, medical imaging, pathology and psychology. Specific Osteopathic hands-on therapeutic skills …

Can osteopathy help Arthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a common condition of older patients, considered part of the normal wear and tear of aging.  Symptoms from osteoarthritis include limited mobility (stiffness) and localized pain in the joints of …

Postural and mobility problems

Does your mother tell you to “Stand up straight,” because you have bad posture?  Poor posture can be a result of asymmetrical muscular weakness and joint stiffness, usually caused by a long …

Pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of enormous change for a mother’s body.  Some mothers’ experience increasing lower back and pelvic pain as the baby increases in size. Hormonal changes can leave the …

What is Sciatica?

Sciatic (nerve root pain) is a symptom that includes localised pain in the buttock region, which may extend down the back of the thigh, in severe cases this pain may extend …